Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Vacation Days 4 & 5: A dream vacation exists only in your mind....

As you plan your family vacation you imagine a carefree getaway. A time that your kids will miraculously behave; a time that you can stay up late to have fun, but sleep in in the morning feeling rested to take on another day of adventure. Before you even leave you imagine your suitcase neatly packed; each piece of clothing perfectly folded. Then...the bubble bursts!

This past few days have been ROUGH, to put it lightly. I've never felt closer to being a crazy person as I do now. Both girls are very sick with ear and viral infections. We've had very little sleep, or very little time without a sick girl in our arms. Everyone is bending over backwards to help us and make us feel comfortable, but I'm afraid there's not much anyone can do.

We were able to get the girls in to the same pediatrician Breezy, Matt, and Payton go to. The whole practice was amazing from the reception to the doctor. Chava and Ari were both thoroughly examined and blood work was taken. Chava was diagnosed with a viral infection in which no antibiotic will help. It didn't take long for the Motrin to work it's magic and help her feel better. Ari on the otherhand is continuing to suffer from an ear infection. She has been on two different antibiotics since last Thrusday. Today they adminstered her antibiotic via a shot in hopes of it kicking in quicker. Considering her history of ear infections and responsiveness (or lack there of) at this point to antibiotics I feel much stronger about getting tubes. Of course, this is something Josh and I will discuss upon our return home, but it's evident Ari is suffering. I'm not sure if we can wait for her to grow out of this.

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