Saturday, July 17, 2010

Vacation Day 2: Meet the Hatchers

We made it to Mary's around 2:30 PM. What a wonderful day. Chava acted as if she knew them her whole life. We hung out with the kids and caught up with each other as much as the kids would allow. I could have sat silently in a room with her and been happy. She is the same beautiful, unjaded Mary. Just sweet, sincere Mary. For dinner we went to Market Square in downtown Knoxville. square with restaurants and shops. In the center was a splash park where the kids hung out before dinner. We had dinner on the outdoor patio of Tomato Head. Great food and the girls were well behaved. That was definitely one of the most enjoyable restaurant experiences I've had in awhile. Ari was sleeping by 9 and Chava by 10:15. Not too shabby. They are going with the flow and our vacation has finally taken a refreshing turn.

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