Monday, July 19, 2010

Helloooo Brevard, NC

We made it to our final destination on day 3 around 5:30. The girls were great, but we ended up taking the long way due to a major traffic backup on I-40. So, instead of 2 hours and 45 minutes (as determined by Google Maps) it took us about 4 hours. No matter, because there's nothing like family. When we arrived it felt like we were home. I haven't seen my sister since Chava was 4 months old (over two years ago), but it was like we see each other all the time!

I just love this family...Breezy and Matt are so sincere; so candid. They have great manners and refreshing! Sonia and David are beaming grandparents. They enjoy kids, know how to talk and play with kids (no matter the age), and freely love kids! It feels so good to see them love my girls the way they do - considering they barely know them. But, as I said before it feels like we see them all the time.

Josh and I are so happy to be here.

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