Friday, July 23, 2010

Looking Glass Falls

David took us to Looking Glass Falls...G-G-GORGEOUS! Matt immediately braved the icy cold water swimming right up to the waterfall. The Norbers, on the otherhand, were much more timid. We could barely walk across the shallow, rocky water! I remember going there as a kid and I've always enjoyed it, but it's funny how the enjoyment now comes from sharing it with my family.

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Vacation Day 6: Oh Brother Where Art Thou?

Brett & Libby came over today. I made spinach lasagna and we chatted about real estate, the economy, and cars. Brett may even be able to help us get a van! Sonia and Brett didn't give me too much trouble when I asked for a picture of the three of us. So here we are...each one as different as the next...but forever connected as family.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Who needs Big Mikes?!

Me, Josh, and the girls went out to Big Mikes yesterday for dinner. Josh was in the mood for a burger. It took over 45 minutes for our food to arrive. Now, that wouldn't be such a big deal if WE DIDN'T HAVE A 1 AND 2 YEAR OLD! To top it all off, by the time the food came Josh's hamburger was dry and burnt! Sonia and David heard all about our dining experience when we got home...

Early this morning David went out to the grocery store...he wanted to surprise us by grilling hamburgers for dinner tonight! How sweet! And, they were delicious! If it weren't for these endless acts of kindness by the whole Shelton Family I think I would've had a break-down by now.

Love you guys! Thanks for everything!

Vacation Days 4 & 5: A dream vacation exists only in your mind....

As you plan your family vacation you imagine a carefree getaway. A time that your kids will miraculously behave; a time that you can stay up late to have fun, but sleep in in the morning feeling rested to take on another day of adventure. Before you even leave you imagine your suitcase neatly packed; each piece of clothing perfectly folded. Then...the bubble bursts!

This past few days have been ROUGH, to put it lightly. I've never felt closer to being a crazy person as I do now. Both girls are very sick with ear and viral infections. We've had very little sleep, or very little time without a sick girl in our arms. Everyone is bending over backwards to help us and make us feel comfortable, but I'm afraid there's not much anyone can do.

We were able to get the girls in to the same pediatrician Breezy, Matt, and Payton go to. The whole practice was amazing from the reception to the doctor. Chava and Ari were both thoroughly examined and blood work was taken. Chava was diagnosed with a viral infection in which no antibiotic will help. It didn't take long for the Motrin to work it's magic and help her feel better. Ari on the otherhand is continuing to suffer from an ear infection. She has been on two different antibiotics since last Thrusday. Today they adminstered her antibiotic via a shot in hopes of it kicking in quicker. Considering her history of ear infections and responsiveness (or lack there of) at this point to antibiotics I feel much stronger about getting tubes. Of course, this is something Josh and I will discuss upon our return home, but it's evident Ari is suffering. I'm not sure if we can wait for her to grow out of this.

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Helloooo Brevard, NC

We made it to our final destination on day 3 around 5:30. The girls were great, but we ended up taking the long way due to a major traffic backup on I-40. So, instead of 2 hours and 45 minutes (as determined by Google Maps) it took us about 4 hours. No matter, because there's nothing like family. When we arrived it felt like we were home. I haven't seen my sister since Chava was 4 months old (over two years ago), but it was like we see each other all the time!

I just love this family...Breezy and Matt are so sincere; so candid. They have great manners and refreshing! Sonia and David are beaming grandparents. They enjoy kids, know how to talk and play with kids (no matter the age), and freely love kids! It feels so good to see them love my girls the way they do - considering they barely know them. But, as I said before it feels like we see them all the time.

Josh and I are so happy to be here.

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Welcome to North Carolina!

We made a stretching stop at the NC Welcome Center. There was a slight drizzle, but we were able to snag a few photos and peek over a fence to see a beautiful mountain view! Chava and Ari were dancing, and then Chava told us that "there are a lot of animals in the forest". She is just like her daddy...all about the facts! giggle

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Vacation Day 3: On our way to North Carolina!

Here we come Sonna! We are far from rested and Ari's ear infection is taking a toll on her, but that does not take away from our excitement. We can't wait to see our southern family! ;-)

This should be a quick and easy trip. We are only a few hours away and the girls are napping. This would be a good time for a mommy nap too!

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Vacation Day 2: Meet the Hatchers

We made it to Mary's around 2:30 PM. What a wonderful day. Chava acted as if she knew them her whole life. We hung out with the kids and caught up with each other as much as the kids would allow. I could have sat silently in a room with her and been happy. She is the same beautiful, unjaded Mary. Just sweet, sincere Mary. For dinner we went to Market Square in downtown Knoxville. square with restaurants and shops. In the center was a splash park where the kids hung out before dinner. We had dinner on the outdoor patio of Tomato Head. Great food and the girls were well behaved. That was definitely one of the most enjoyable restaurant experiences I've had in awhile. Ari was sleeping by 9 and Chava by 10:15. Not too shabby. They are going with the flow and our vacation has finally taken a refreshing turn.

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This is the way to Mary's house...

Leaving Lexington and our way to Knoxville to stay with the Hatcher Family. It's been so long since I've seen Mary. Honestly, I can't even remember the last time I've seen her. We have chatted on and off over the years, and thanks to Facebook we have been able glimpse into each other's world. I really had no idea what the future held for "crazy" and "little one" back in the day...I'm just so thankful we are happy and healthy...with families!! So...with all these happy thoughts the next 3 hours should be smooth sailing. And, we are off to a good start because Chava fell asleep within 15 minutes. Yay! Here we come Mary, Richie, Sam, and Charlie!

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Vacation Day 1: Coming to an end

We made it to Lexington today! It took about 8 hours for something that would take travelers without children 6 or so. But, considering both of the girls were diagnosed with ear infections yesterday, and it's a heck of a long time to be in the car....we did great! I'm very proud of the girls. Chava didn't have any accidents or breakdowns. Really...she just got bored at times. Ari, on the other hand, had diarrhea and a hard time sitting in her seat for about the last two hours (ok, maybe 3). And, Josh handled the chaos and my kvetching like a pro! ;-) Goooo team Norber! Good night!!!

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Gold Star Chili: Kentucky

We stopped for dinner a little after 7pm in Florence, KY. It was a small restaurant with only one other party eating, and the server was super kid friendly! I may be covered in spaghetti, but overall it was a good dining experience. Great choice daddy! Now...on our way to Lexington!

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Dayton to Cincinnati; Not fun!

I will remember this stretch of our trip as: a crying, whining, stressful, stinky set of miles. Calgon take me away!

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Lima, Ohio

Our first pitstop. We didn't get away with gas and bathroom only... Chava picked out Doritos and Ari picked out Bugles. Oy! The junk food! :-( That's ok...we're all still smiling!

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Family vacation: Ready or not!

Our family vacation has begun! Packing for the girls and I was challenging to say the least. Actually, the hard part was doing it while taking care of the two of them. But, as always, we survived. The trip started off with a bang because we left around noon and the girls quickly fell asleep. Ahhhh...a moment to regain my sanity. We are almost to Lima, Ohio and preparing for our first stop!

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