Tuesday, February 16, 2010

There's a flaw in my decision making.

I'm taking my state real estate exam today at 1pm. You'd think that I would be studying, but nooooooo......I'm overwhelmed by the fact that I've been thinking about creating a blog for years, and now (now that I'm supposed to be doing something else very important) is the time.

So, here it is - entry # uno. What do I hope to accomplish with this blog? I hope to capture the mundane, the special, the out of the ordinary. I hope to express my feelings good and bad (which I tend to focus on the good only - so expressing some of the not-so-good feelings will be a challenge).

This blog will not only be about me; but about my family. We are in this together and without them I would not be what I am today.

Ok ok ok....I gotta study now! Wish me luck!

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