I may be eating those words before all is said and done, but as of this moment I couldn't be more impressed and proud of Chava. We introduced the potty to her on her 1st birthday. We kept a small potty in the leaving room and encouraged her to use it whenever she felt like it, but never pushing the topic. We bought seats to put on top of the toilets - of course with her favorite - none other than, DORA! Next, we introduced underwear and we let her play with them here and there; putting them on, taking the off, and mostly adoring the pictures of Dora on them.
Then, we heard from her school that she's doing very well on the potty and we should start focusing on potty training her. That night we put underwear on her and let her play. We put a pull-up on for nite time, but when she woke up the next morning we put her underwear back on and off to school she went! On the first day, we made it to school and she went potty. Afterward, we put on a pull-up and she went about her day. When she got home from school we put the underwear back on and she used her potty when she had to go.
The next day she went to school in underwear and wore them the whole day! It is not the fourth night of underwear and she is doing amazing!!!!! She's had a few accidents, but she's handled it well. She likes to wear underwear and she's going potty by herself (of course I can't resist asking her every 20-30 minutes if she has to go).
Bravo! This is the easiest thing I've ever done! Thank G-d!!!! Go Chava! You're a big girl!!!
*Chava is 2 years and 1 month old.
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