Sunday, March 7, 2010

My Disclaimer

There have been things I wanted to blog about, but figuring out how to do that when my two year old and 10-month old are running around, asking me 100 questions, and constantly demanding things of me, are making it quite difficult. Like now...Chava is upstairs running around while her Daddy and Sister are sleeping! Ugh! I'll be right back!

I'm back. Chava woke up her sister because she wanted someone to play with. LOL

As I was saying...It's difficult. The easy answer is to blog when the kids are sleeping. But, when they're finally sleeping I'd like to have a few "adult" words with Josh, unwind with a little boob tube and go to sleep myself. So, I may just have to spit it out - and quickly!

Here's my disclaimer:

The people and/or stories in this blog are not fictional. The stories may be slightly exaggerated or the people may be named using their nicknames, but it's all real. Spelling and grammatical errors are to be expected due to the high volume of chaos with two young girls.

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