When she colors she likes to press hard on the crayons to make the colors vibrant. She fancies rainbows and making images with alternating colors.
She received a Barnes & Noble gift card from Grandma and Papa. And, going to B&N has been one of her favorite activities with her daddy since she was learning to walk. But, I was completely shocked by the purchase she made with her gift card the other day....a large 8x10 plain paper notebook! She carries this book and a pen around with her! She doesn't draw or scribble in it...she "writes". Letters outside of those not found in her name have not made an appearance yet, but she is making small markings in a line as if she is writing sentences. I look at her and I can only imagine that this is what "little Josh" must've been like. And, when she sits and writes in her book she looks so grown up...and I am so proud of who she is that I could cry of happiness. Thank you Chava...for being you.
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